Thirsty Sword Lesbians is on Kickstarter now! Thirsty Sword Lesbians by April Walsh is a roleplaying game that celebrates the love, power, and existence of queer people—specifically queer people with swords and a lot of feelings! April Walsh joins our co-hosts to GM…
April Walsh joins our co-hosts to play her new game Thirsty Sword Lesbians, on Kickstarter now! Thirsty Sword Lesbians is a PBTA game about queer love and power wherever swords cross and hearts race! Our game focuses on two thirty-something…
FINALLY–we get to transform into magical girls! Hosts Senda and Andi are joined again by Megan from Modifier Podcast and Noor for the second installment of Domina Magica GM’ed by Emily Reinhart. Domina Magica on Kickstarter now but only until Sept…
Hosts Senda and Andi are joined again by Megan from Modifier Podcast and Noor for the second installment of Domina Magica GM’ed by Emily Reinhart. Domina Magica on Kickstarter now!
Fight like a magical girl! Domina Magica by Emily Reinhart and Third Act Publishing is live on Kickstarter today! Our hosts Senda and Andi are joined by Emily, Megan Dornbrock of Modifier Podcast, and Noor Bontz of Mailled It to…